Wednesday 28 December 2011

just another day in paradise

Here's the short version I have a friend with MS her husband died recently after 3yrs of back2back chemo, during which time she never complained. Last week she laughed about spraining her wrist falling on her stairs. She spent her 1st christmas day without her husband with her sister & the power was out most of the day. She just joked. She is truly an extraordinary woman, generous with both her support and her time. They both helped me through my first cancer diagnosis and now she's offered to help me through my second. Right now her best friend is a dog named Bear.
This is where the story gets interesting because it seems as though she has someone who hates this dog. Today she innocently took her garbage to the road with her dog went back in a house. Then a few hours later animal control shows up with a formal complaint because the dog was not on a leash to walk the garbage to the road. There is more to this situation of course but they're now telling her that if they have 1 more complaints they're going to remove the dog, there are several dogs in the neighborhood who look very similar to this dog there's been no paperwork shown to her. She need some support but we don't to cause her any problems either so I'm suggesting we email the town of Ladysmith (birthplace of Pamela Anderson) and remind them that animals and pet owners have rights too. that it's an abuse of bylaws and a terrible waste of resources to have someone just show up on your steps a couple days after christmas and threaten to remove a beloved dog because it went 3 feet to the garbage can. Bylaws were created as guidelines on how we want community to live they were not created as a weapon to club our neighbors with ,I'm not saying the complaintant isn't a nice person I'm just saying that sometimes we have bad days .

Town of Ladysmith
410 Esplande, PO Box 220
Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A2

Coastal Animal Control Service
2202 Herd Road, Duncan, BC I believe is a government contracting company , I don't know their training their qualifications I know they are not thte SPCA. I imagine them to ddbe more like dog catchers , and maybe they have a quota they have to meet to keep qualifying for the government contract , and that's what has been so busy at the end of the year. I 2 however believe that there should be some kind of paperwork or something before you show up on somebody steps and tell them you going to remove his dog because of hearsay type complaints.

Of we need to do something what , I believe the power is with the city and I think we can start I just asking be involved with what's happening with animal control in the city , the contractor their using is not even from their city. so I'm thinking let's send them an email to open tomorrow morning , and the next day and the next reminding them of their responsibilities. They I responsible to know what's going on in the community and with the contract hiring are doing. The easy answer for the contractor is just take the dog no more complaints no were problem he gets paid. Except the dog isnt the problem.

Dear Town of Ladysmith,
Please pay attention and be involved with the way animal control officers are behaving remember their responsibility is to the dog owners as well as the people who don't have dogs. Watching with interest from the world wide web ,
Cyd Taylor

Write whatever you'd like, just get it out there twitter , Facebook, email your friends have each and everyone send email, I know we can do this, thank you very much let's get spreading the word.

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